Dirty Old Town

Publié le par Paul

Dirty Old Town ? Une des plus fameuses chansons traditionnelles irlandaises ( ou Folk irlandais ).
The Pogues ? Un des plus fameux groupes d'Irish Folk.
Enjoy it !
Et en bonus, les paroles. Let's sing !
Dirty Old Town
I met my love, by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream, by the old canal
I kissed my girl, by the factory wall
Dirty old town (bis)
Clouds are drifting across the moon
Cats are prowling on their beat
Springs a girl from the streets at night
Dirty old town (bis)
 I heard a siren from the docks
saw a train set the night on fire
smell the spring on the smockey wind
dirty old town (bis)
I'm gonna make me a big sharp ax
Shinning steel tempered in the fire
I'll shop you down like on old dead tree
Dirty old town (bis)
I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town (bis)
Dirty old town (bis)

Publié dans Musique

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